9 Ways To Improve Air Quality In Your Home

9 Ways To Improve Air Quality In Your Home

Many studies have examined how air pollution affects public health. How often do you consider household Air Quality? If you want to reduce health risks, put indoor air pollution ahead of outdoor air pollution. The EPA says that air pollution inside is a thousand times more dangerous than air pollution outside. Polluted air inside is bad for your health including, cancer, pneumonia, asthma, allergic reactions, heart disease, and low birth weight.

Air pollution hurts every age group people, especially when you are suffering from asthma. This is an indication of your air quality.

Ways To Improve Air Quality

Following are the ways to improve air quality:

Reduce Pollutants 

An important way to keep your indoor air clean involves learning about common sources of pollution and avoiding adding pollutants when you can.

Some common pollutants from Trusted Source include:


Natural radon can infiltrate your home through earth fractures. It can build and cause lung cancer and other health issues. Checking for harmful radon levels in your home is quick and straightforward using home testing equipment. If testing shows that your home’s foundation is sealed, you may be able to minimize radon levels.

Secondhand Smoke

Cigarette smoke exhaled is referred to as secondhand smoke. Anybody who is exposed could be at risk for health issues, such as some forms of cancer. A further health danger is thirdhand smoke, which is found on surfaces that absorb it, including clothing or furniture.

Avoiding smoking indoors is the best strategy to prevent second and third-hand smoke from entering your home. Minimizing the habit could also be a smart option because the air quality and living space may still be impacted by the thirdhand smoke on your clothes.


Common volatile organic compounds, or VOCs, include formaldehyde, one of the numerous dangerous gases that occasionally come off of everyday household objects.

Formaldehyde can permeate your indoor air since it is frequently included in glues used to join composite wood and various types of furniture. Excessive exposure might lead to bronchitis and other respiratory problems.

You can reduce formaldehyde’s effects on air quality by:

  • opting for used furniture instead of new — furniture tends to release lower amounts of formaldehyde over time
  • choosing solid wood furniture over composite wood

Cleaning Products

Certain cleaning products contain harmful chemicals that may linger in your air, including:

  • glass cleaners
  • air fresheners
  • bleach
  • cleaning sprays

Choosing safer, nontoxic cleaning products can help you keep your home clean without the excess pollutants contained in some standard cleaning products.

Set Air Quality.

Test your home’s air quality if you’re anxious but don’t know what to fix. Do it yourself or hire a pro. The solution you choose may depend on your demands. Doing things yourself saves money, but hiring an expert gives you more expertise and insight.

DIY Air Quality Testing

You can find a variety of air quality test kits online. Some kits check for radon and other pollutants, while others check for just one.

If you’re only interested in testing for a few toxins, at-home testing might be the way to go because most kits aren’t thorough. Working with a professional may save money if you want a complete set of results.

Comprehensive at-home tests generally cost up to $200, but you may need to spend more when checking for more pollutants.

Professional Air Quality Testing

Hiring a professional will likely cost more than using a test kit, but many professionals offer additional services to help you manage any sources of pollution found during the test.

Also check: Heat Pump vs AC: Which Best Fits For You?

Measures To Control Allergens.

You’ll commonly find a host of allergens and irritants in many indoor spaces, including:

  • Dust
  • Mold
  • Pet dander
  • Dust mites

Keeping these allergens at bay will usually improve overall air quality in your home, not to mention reduce your chances of experiencing respiratory symptoms, including

  • Runny nose
  • Watery eyes
  • Sore throat
  • Sneezing
  • Skin rashes
  • Itching

Managing allergens in your house requires both prevention and upkeep.

Preventative Measures

Preventative strategies for controlling allergens include:

  • Brushing and bathing your pet regularly
  • Washing bedding in hot water twice per month to eliminate dust mites
  • Choosing hypoallergenic pillows and impermeable mattresses to keep dust mites out

You can also remove allergens from indoor air by:

  • Vacuuming and dusting to keep pet dander, dust, and dust mites from accumulating
  • Washing mold off nonpermeable surfaces, like tiles and metal, using a bleach or soap solution
  • Removing and replacing carpet, wood, or drywall where mold is growing

Use An Air Purifier. 

Installing an air purifier is a great way to purify your home’s air. Select a high-performance air filter because these air purifiers effectively remove harmful particles. Over 99 percent of hazardous airborne particles may be removed using HEPA filters.

  • VOCs
  • Smoke
  • Mold spores
  • Excess carbon dioxide
  • Allergens like pet dander

Improve Ventilation 

Maintaining airflow in your house is an easy (and possibly cost-free) method to raise the quality of the air. One technique to achieve this is to open windows and doors to allow some outside ventilation, provided that the outside air is clear or pollen-free.

But air enters your house through vents as well as weak spots like tiny spaces around doors. While there’s not as much you can do about the air that enters through these openings, it might help to make sure that the air channeling into your living space via vents isn’t contributing to the problem.

This means:

  • Regularly changing out any filters in your home heating and cooling systems
  • Make sure any air ducts in your home are clean and unobstructed since dust can build up over time
  • Checking the filters in appliances that bring air into your home and changing them according to the manufacturer’s instructions

Reduce Dampness

High humidity and dampness can also allow VOCs to seep into your air. Numerous factors can lead to damp interior conditions, such as:

  • Humid climates
  • Leaky pipes or roofs
  • Areas with pooling water
  • Low ventilation in areas with a lot of steam, like bathrooms and kitchens

symptoms include Coughing, wheezing, and asthma episodes that can be brought on by damp environments.

You can reduce dampness in your living area by:

  • Using a dehumidifier
  • Turning on a fan or opening a window when you shower or cook
  • Finding and eliminating areas of pooling water or moisture in your home

Checking The Heating System

Air quality can also be significantly impacted by some heating systems.

High levels of dangerous particles can be released into your home’s air by wood-burning stoves and fireplaces, which could raise your chance of long-term illnesses like lung cancer.

Gas-powered heating appliances and older furnace-equipped heating systems are two possibly riskier heating solutions.

The air around gas-powered heating systems may contain higher concentrations of carbon monoxide, an odorless chemical that can kill you by suffocating. Using direct vent gas appliances is advised by some experts since it prevents the gas from combining with the air inside your home.

Compared to alternative heating methods, solar and electric heating choices may keep the air within your home considerably cleaner. These are typically your best options for cleaner air if you have the choice.

Use Indoor Plants

People commonly recommend using house plants to help cleanse the air in your home.

Research on this remains contradictory, though.

According to a 2017 research review, house plants can help lower certain indoor air pollutants, such as VOCs and fine particles. However, the actual impact of indoor plants on these pollutants varied widely among the study’s findings.

Furthermore, an analysis conducted by Trusted Source indicates that ventilation systems already found in most buildings are significantly more effective in eliminating volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the air than indoor plants.

Indoor plants might even contribute to more problems than they solve if they become a source of mold or trigger your allergies.

Another factor to consider is the type of plant. When it comes to removing pollutants, not all plants are equal.

Plants recognized as more effective at keeping indoor air clean include:

  • Dracaena, a popular genus of houseplant that often has sword-shaped leaves that come in many colors
  • Spathiphyllum, also known as peace lily
  • Hedera helix, or common ivy
  • Of course, indoor plants can still offer plenty of benefits.

No Smoking Indoors

Indoor air pollution is mostly caused by smoking. This behavior hurts oneself and others. Air pollution from smoking in buildings affects people of all ages, including non-smokers, due to the epidemic of lung illness.

Cancer may have an etiological relationship to secondhand smoke’s formaldehyde, vinyl chloride, ammonia, and hydrogen cyanide. Smoke outside when necessary. To avoid smoking residue in the home, wash clothes. Third-party smoke can re-enter the air if it lingers on a surface for weeks or months.


In conclusion, the above mentioned nine tips will greatly enhance your air quality. Every action you take, from simple things like using natural cleaning supplies and bringing in indoor plants to routine HVAC maintenance, contributes to better indoor air quality and your family’s respiratory health.

At K2 Mechanical, we specialize in delivering installation and maintenance services that maximize HVAC systems and provide cleaner, healthier indoor air. Our knowledgeable staff is dedicated to assisting you in creating an environment where air quality is prioritized. Please contact us if you require professional assistance in keeping your house healthy. By taking these steps, you may foster a lifelong commitment to better air quality and convert your home into a well-being haven for years to come.

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