When Is It Time To Replace A Furnace? 6 Telling Signs

When Is It Time To Replace A Furnace? 6 Telling Signs

If the furnace breaks, Replace A Furnace may be needed. Even the best furnaces need to be changed after 20 years due to natural wear and tear. In good condition, electric furnaces last 20–30 years. Gas furnaces typically last 15–20 years. Proper gas Furnace Maintenance should extend their lives to 20 years. The most crucial step is to inspect the furnace and spot indicators of failure.

Is Your Furnace More Than Fifteen Years Old?

A high-quality furnace heater ought to endure for 15–20 years. You might not need to replace your furnace if it is operating efficiently. However, you should perform routine maintenance inspections and watch for any previously identified signs.

Excessively Loud Noises Of The Furnace

Noises that are excessively loud or occur frequently, irrespective of the type of furnace, are deemed inappropriate. Investigate immediately the presence of loud sounds such as rattling, slamming, or shouting by contacting a professional specialist.

Your furnace may have mechanical damage. Most of the time, it’s cheaper to gradually replace a furnace that is over ten years old with a newer unit.


A good furnace heater should last 15–20 years. Before replacing a 15-year-old furnace, consult an HVAC technician. Consult a qualified specialist to diagnose the condition.

Also check: Top 7 Furnace Maintenance Tips & Guidelines

Loud And Sudden Pop

The most likely culprits when you hear a loud popping sound coming from your furnace are either unclean burners or broken air ducts. Gas builds up, and the burners do not ignite right away if dirt builds up on them. There’s a loud popping sound when it finally ignites, kind of like a mini-explosion! This could be a serious issue since the explosions could get bigger and damage the heating system’s parts.


The expansion and contraction of the air ducts when the blower is turned on and off could be the reason for the banging. Temperature variations cause them to pop loudly as they change shape because metal is what makes them most of all.


There’s never a nice mix of metal on metal. This can be a serious issue since it suggests that some pieces are now loose and misaligned. It’s possible that your furnace blower’s bearings are improperly lubricated.

Yellow Pilot Light Flame

A properly working furnace always has a blue pilot light flame. If the pilot light flame on your furnace turns yellow, you must immediately contact an HVAC technician.

The yellow flame indicates a problem with your system’s ventilation and incomplete gas combustion. This incomplete combustion can raise carbon monoxide levels in your home.

Indoor Air Quality Decline

Although cleaning certain HVAC system components could assist in enhancing indoor air quality, it might also be a sign that your furnace needs to be changed.

It’s possible that your furnace is malfunctioning or is too old to be effectively channeling combustion gases away from your house, heating, or burning.

Rising Energy Bills

A growing energy bill is a sure sign that your furnace is about to retire. Because heating and cooling account for about 75% of your total bill, any inefficiencies in the performance of your units can be recognized as an increase in the prices to heat your home. When your furnace is older, it runs more frequently and consumes more energy to do the same function it performed 15 years ago.

Temperature Variations

Do you require a space heater in any of your home’s rooms? When there is a notable temperature differential between rooms, it is a signal that your furnace is deteriorating. They find it increasingly difficult to continue circulating air to the most remote areas of their residence as they age. Consequently, certain areas might not be supplied with an equivalent quantity of heat as others.

Causes Of Furnace Failure

Heavy, Repetitive Furnace Cycling

You can turn your furnace on and off many times a year. Your furnace will begin to reveal its age after at least ten years of intensely repetitive cycle. The best fix for an aging furnace is to consider purchasing a new furnace sooner rather than later.

Heat Exchanger Cracks

A gas furnace heat exchanger is heated by a blower fan from the furnace. The heat blowing over the warmed chamber funnels the heated air throughout the house, drawing the combustible elements out through the chimney. The process of heating and cooling causes the heat exchanger to expand and contract, often causing another reason for furnace failure: heat exchanger cracks—a problem that calls for immediate furnace repair. Arrange for an HVAC technician to inspect your heat exchanger and get your furnace back up and running.

Corrosion And Rust

The pilot flames in your furnace emit a powerful combination of carbon monoxide, nitrogen oxides, sulfur dioxides, and water vapors. This supply of moisture and acidic gases corrodes metal heat exchangers and causes rusting of welded parts, the third leading cause of furnace failure. This is yet another reason to consider installing a new furnace, especially if yours uses a pilot light, which can be a destructive, rust-causing element in older units.

Manufacturing And Installation Mistakes

Many manufacturing mistakes have resulted in massive recalls. For example, Carrier’s use of polymer (a plastic substance) when attaching fireboxes in the heat exchange system caused so many furnace failures the company paid $10 million to settle a class action lawsuit. However, furnace installation problems such as undersized ductwork, which causes more wear and tear from elevated temperatures, can also end a furnace’s life prematurely. Check to see if your furnace model was involved in any product recalls by contacting us.

Frequent repair

Many of the above sounds could indicate a simple repair to get your furnace working again. When these “simple repairs” start becoming more frequent, you have to consider the value of continuing frequent repairs versus the cost of a new furnace. 

Nonetheless, it makes little sense to keep spending money on repairs when your furnace is most likely not running at peak efficiency. Installing a new furnace is a great way to think bigger and save more money in the long term.


It’s critical to identify the warning indicators that point to a new furnace in order to keep your house cozy. At K2 Mechanical, we provide homeowners with complete solutions when they see these signs. Our knowledgeable staff specializes in smooth furnace installations, guaranteeing that your house stays warm and functional. We prioritize tailored solutions, matching your needs with high-efficiency systems for optimal performance.

Moreover, our maintenance services are designed to extend the lifespan of your furnace, preserving its efficiency and reliability. From addressing inefficiencies to providing proactive upkeep, K2 Mechanical is committed to ensuring your heating system operates at its best. Trust us to deliver professional installation and meticulous maintenance, guaranteeing a cozy Home Environment year-round. Reach out to us for expert guidance and dependable services tailored to your furnace needs.

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